Aug 6, 2008

Command Pattern

The Command Pattern allows a client to issue requests (commands) to an object without making any assumptions about the request or the receiving object (receiver). This is done by decoupling the client from the receiver by including an invoker.

Command Interface:

    public interface ICommand
        function execute ():void;

Concrete Command:

    public class ConcreteCommand implements ICommand
        var receiver:Receiver;
        public function ConcreteCommand (rec:Receiver):void
            receiver = rec;
        public function execute ():void;
            receiver.action ();


    public class Receiver
        public function action ()
            trace ("Receiver doing action.");


    public class Invoker
        var currentCommand:ICommand;
        public function setCommand (c:ICommand):void
            currentCommand = c;
        public function executeCommand ():void
            currentCommand.execute ();


    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class Main
        public function Main ():void
            var rec:Receiver = new Receiver ();
            var concCommand:ICommand = new ConcreteCommand (rec);
            var invoker:Invoker = new Invoker ();
            invoker.setCommand (concCommand);
            concCommand.execute ();

Jul 23, 2008

Design Patterns
Creational Patterns:
  1. Factory Method Pattern
  2. Singleton Pattern
Structural Patterns:
  1. Decorator Pattern
  2. Adapter Pattern
  3. Composite Pattern
Behavioral Patterns:
  1. Command Pattern
  2. Observer Pattern
  3. Template Method Pattern
  4. State Pattern
  5. Strategy Pattern
Multiple Patterns:
  1. Model-View-Controller Pattern
  2. Symmetric Proxy Pattern 
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[Courtsey AS3.0 Design Patterns: William B. Sanders and Chandima Cumaranatunge]